It must be lambs, lambs, lambs! Suggs from Madness helps name lamb triplets live on BBC Radio 2

It must be lambs, lambs, lambs! Suggs from Madness helps name lamb triplets live on BBC Radio 2

Welcome to the house of lambs! Or, more accurately, the farm barn of lambs at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm. Noah’s Ark, a North Somerset zoo and conservation charity, spent the weekend receiving over a thousand name suggestions from BBC Radio 2 listeners for their newborn lambs.

In a joyful early celebration of spring, Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm announced the birth of newborn Dorset lambs, signalling the onset of lambing season. After the zoo announced their first trio of lambs were called Bounty, Bon Bon, and Lollipop, they caught the attention of BBC Radio 2, and were lucky enough to talk to Claudia Winkleman on her Saturday morning show.

With thousands of names pouring in, Claudia asked her special guest Suggs from Madness for his ideas. Sticking to the zoo’s themes of sweets and chocolates, Suggs opted for Curly and Wurly!

Andrew Edgell, Farm Animal Keeper at the zoo, has taken a shine to Suggs’s suggestion and also another listener’s suggestion, Wispa. Which Noah’s Ark say also happens to be Andrew’s favourite chocolate, so a win-win for all.

Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm will be using some of the remaining suggestions Claudia shared on the show for new lambs that are born over the next couple of weeks, which they will continue to share on their social media.

As the trio of lambs find their footing in the zoo, we say hello to a new season. Noah’s Ark encourages visitors to drop in and say hello to Curly, Wurly, Wispa and the other lambs that are frolicking around the farm barn.

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